What is 8bitCat ?

8bitCat is a cat-themed token that focuses on community decentralization and widespread adoption. $8BCAT is designed to restore memeCoins to their best position. $8bitCat is traded with a 3% buy/sell tax, where 2% of the tax will be allocated specifically to owners of different types of NFTs as follows: - 0.5% for Gold 8bitCat 100 NFTs - 0.5% for Silver 8bitCat: 500 NFTs - 1% for Bronze 8bitCat: unlimited - LP locked, $8BCAT is created for everyone, the contract will be renounced.


Total Supply


Circulating Supply


Liquidity locked

We will burn all LP tokens, so liquidity cannot be withdrawn.

Trade on BSC

8BITCAT contract addresses

8bitcat 8bitcat